Thursday, 9 February 2012

Achieving Success Trader

Achieving Success
If you have read the other information we have provided on this site you will understand that - Forex trading is simple to learn, and anyone can acquire the skills to trade successfully.
So, the obvious question you may ask is why do 95% of traders lose money?
Many traders lose because they have poor methods, however many have good methods but still lose. The reason for this is - they lack the correct mindset to succeed.
If you want to win at Forex trading you need the right knowledge but you also need to have the right mindset, if you don’t you will lose.
Here we will take a look at how to adopt the correct mindset the millionaire traders have and you need too. If you can acquire them, you are on the way to achieving currency trading success.

1. Desire and Passion
If you want success in anything in life - including forex trading, then you must desire success. If you have  desire, then you’ll do what’s required to succeed. If you look at any of the legendary traders, they all had desire - and they loved what they did with a passion.
Currency trading success requires effort, as the rewards are immense - if you have the desire to succeed, you will acknowledge this and put in the required effort to succeed and make no mistake – the rewards for your effort can be life changing.
So if you have the desire and passion to succeed then chances are you will. Now lets look at how to channel this desire and passion, to become a successful Forex Trader.

2. Work Smart Not Hard
If you have read the Forex Education section – you will have read about “the turtles” - a group of people who had never traded before but learnt to do so in 14 days and went on to make millions.
They did this by working smart, NOT hard - and there is a big difference.
In many jobs you get paid for the effort you put in. When you trade FOREX you earn your reward simply for being right.
When you learn currency trading focus on working smart and acquiring the right knowledge and ignore all the Forex Myths which cause the bulk of traders to lose.
If you work smart, you can learn to trade in just a few weeks and in under an hour a day, you could soon be piling up big consistent profits.
The key to trading success is to have confidence in what you are doing - this leads to discipline and ultimate trading success. Let’s look at this in more detail, as most traders never acquire these traits and lose.

3. Confidence
You hear traders talk a lot about discipline being a key to success in currency trading - but you don’t hear them talk so much about confidence. However, confidence is a vital ingredient when implementing any successful forex trading strategy.
We are involved in Forex Education - we can give you the tools you need to be successful – BUT you need to learn them and have confidence in them YOURSELF.
To have confidence, you need to understand exactly how and why a forex trading strategy works and will continue to work.
This is essential when you hit a losing streak (all traders have them even the world’s best traders, so you need to be prepared for them) you need to have the confidence to stick with your forex trading system and trade it with discipline through losing periods, to ultimate long term trading success.
If you have confidence, you can acquire the key trait all traders need:

4. Discipline
Discipline is the key to forex trading success.
If you don’t trade your method with discipline – you don’t have a method at all!
It’s not as easy to trade in a disciplined fashion as many people believe, but if you take the time and trouble to learn a method and have confidence in it, then you will be able to trade in a disciplined fashion.
If you trade with discipline, you will be doing what 90% of traders don’t do and you will have a trading edge.
Discipline comes from all the points we have discussed earlier:
Desire, knowledge and confidence which give you the inner belief to follow your trading method and execute it in the correct manner for long term trading success.

Success From Within
People like ourselves can help you achieve currency trading success, by giving you the tools however, the ultimate person who will determine how much money you will make is you!
Fact: Anyone can learn forex trading and anyone can become a successful trader.
Forex trading is a challenge, its exciting, it’s fun and can offer you an income that other people only dream about so, Are you ready for a challenge and do you have the desire to succeed?
If so, welcome to the world’s most exciting business opportunity!

Introduction to Forex

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Fear of losing - Greed leads to your loss

Fear of losing - Greed leads to your loss
The trading psychology plays an important role on the markets. This is our emotions who dictate our decisions and we are therefore a good or a bad trader. To be a good trader, it’s not enough to feel the market, you must also know how to let your profit run and cut your losses. It sounds easy to say but emotional control is often more difficult than you think. All the stakeholders are subject to their emotions, including two which seem to be at the bottom of each decision: fear and greed. Each individual behavior is unique but a human cannot escape his emotions. It can however learn to control them.

 Fear of losing
Everyone is in fact afraid of losing, even if everyone reacts differently to each situation. That's why for most people it’s hard time to cut their positions when they are losing even if their trading strategy was predetermined in advance. It is often said "it will get back" or "we will see what happen" and it is often the best way to lose a lot more! For me, the main reason of the ruin of some individuals who have failed to be disciplined enough to follow their trading plan. It is better sometimes to cut off your hand rather than your arm...
Learn to cut its losses is difficult but we must not forget that your capital is your working tool. Without capital, you can do nothing. This is why we must preserve it. It is therefore advisable to risk a preset percentage of its capital on each transaction. This percentage may be for example of 1%. This seems little, but when you are making several trades, your overall risk can grow very quickly. Do not risk all your capital on one trade allows you can to cut your losses more easily. There is a big difference between losing 50% of its capital and lose 1%. You can easily understand that taking the loss on a 50% risk of our capital is not an easy decision. In doing so, we come to say I'll see what happens' or the famous "it will come back’. If you want to be a competent trader, banish such words of your language!
The solution is to risk a small percentage of your portfolio on each trade and then, when your risk is determined, to establish your trading strategy. This must go with a stop loss. We cannot emphasize enough that a stop loss is needed for each operation! The stop loss helps you avoid you to be stuck on your screen all day to monitor your trade, and therefore you remove some of the stress-related to the trading. But the stop-loss can also determine a point at which you estimate that your scenario will not happen. The level of stop loss must be determined before the operation and shall in no case be modified during the trade, unless if the trade goes in your side and in this case, we can function with a moving stop. Move your stop on a losing trade is being confronted with your emotions and thus to the fear of losing. To ensure that your loss will not be materialized because of the close of your trade, the fear will make you change your stop loss such kind that it will never be reached by the price and you will say 'this will come back one day’. Then the fear of losing lead you and you're doomed to run this way. Make no mistake, the price do not always come back.

Greed leads to your loss
Fear is not the only factor that guides your decisions, there is also greed. Everyone thinks it is possible to very quickly gain a lot of money especially on the Forex due to the high leverage available. What people forget is that the high leverage also means high risk. Certainly, on a fluke, this can work, your trade goes in the right direction, you are rich but not so sure. Let me explain.
First, people who are using a too high leverage do not often use stop loss because their account is too small to put a stop properly. Trade with 1 000 000 $ on the EUR/USD ($ 100 per pip) and an account at $ 1000 for example and your margin capacity is only of 10 pips. (And I do not take into consideration the spread.) Hard to set a stop loss! If the trade goes in the wrong side, most often all your capital is loss. The risk is enormous. But that's not all, because if the trade goes on the right way your emotions will often play with you. Let’s stay with our former example. If the EUR/USD goes 3 pips in your side, you close your trade and then you win $ 300. Great you say, +30% in one trade! But if we reflect a little, your risk was losing $ 1,000 to win $ 300 ($ 500 going to be nice). From a viewpoint of mathematical expectation, does the game worth the candle. ?
It's hard to say but I say it for you: NO!
However, that’s what we see regularly on the Forex. Trade with a too high risk will always make you act as a stupid person. I'm not afraid of the word, if your view on the Forex is to act like that, then go to the casino! Trading requires discipline (follow a structured trading plan, money management…).

Let your profits run and cut your losses
I can reassure you anyway, it is possible to earn money on Forex and if you're good, it can be done fairly quickly. The important thing is that as I said before know how to run your profits and cut your losses. Cut your losses, I've already talked to (stop loss, money management.). To run your profits, it must be taken as, do not cut your position as far as your target is not reached or until your stop loss was executed (if you trade trends and then you trade with moving stops). Too many traders take their profits too quickly once he sees the operation is in profit. Follow your trading plan that was established before and most of all do not hesitate to strengthen your position if the trade goes in the right direction. For example, when you’re moving your stop, you can open a new position. So if the trend continues, you can win a lot. If you trade with targets, take a ratio risk / return that is interesting.
All this will make your winning positions largely compensate your losing positions. It is very possible to get rich on Forex by doing more losing trades than winning ones.


























冬令时主要市场交易时间(北京时间11--3月份):悉尼:0600--1400 ;东京:0800--1430;香港:0900--1600 法兰克福:1500--2200 伦敦:1730--130 纽约:2120--0400


  纵观世界,没有任何的事情是遵循者一定的规律进行的,外汇市场亦是如此,即便是潜心研究多少年,都无法总结出外汇市场所遵循的规律,譬如世界闻名的投资大 师江恩在某杂志的监督下在交易中也只能达到92%的胜率,这已是让投资者只能仰望,而不可触及。因此投资者需要使用概率思维来对待外汇交易。
  任何事情的发生都是具有概率性的,或大或小,没有绝对的,刻意追求事情的完整性只能耗时又费力。在外汇市场中的许多人通过真实交易和模拟交易的方法不断的 捕获正确的趋势,然而终究还是有成就者寥寥无几。在这里想要表达的是作为一般的投资者不要花费太多的精力去研究如何在每次交易中都能够盈利,而是要学会概率思维,即在10次交易中有7此成功即是投资高手了。
  曾经遇到一位非常勤奋的客户,对外汇投资交易非常的痴迷,他想要在外汇走势中探索其规律,于是经过潜心研究,学习了很多外汇交易技术,并且都了如指掌。满 以为把这些交易技术综合起来就可以掌握汇率的未来趋势,然而每次对于汇率进行研究判断时总是有几种技术是相背离的,于是经过验证,他把不准确的技术放弃, 从而在进行分析,还是会出现偏差,就这样,研究了很长时间,始终没有找出如何能精确的判断汇率的走势,其实这位客户在交易时的胜算已经超过七成了,算得上 是投资大师了,然而就是这种过于精益求精的态度让其迷失了方向,整日郁郁寡欢。这种人就是缺少了概率思维。如果能使用概率思维看待事情,在交易中能够赚取 相当可观的利润了。
  拥有概率思维同样对于交易心态也具有很大的帮助,他能让投资者在资金产生损失的情况下安慰自己,而不是导致自暴自弃从而引发操作过频或者判断失误。其实外 汇交易是一件并不复杂的事情,只不过世人注入了太多的情感在其中,或贪心,或压力,或自傲等等,导致原本正常的交易变得扭曲,从而判断无法按照概率进行, 出现了亏损的状况。因此投资者在今后的交易中不仅仅要赚钱,还要锤炼心态。从而让自己能够长久屹立于外汇交易当中。

Trading psychology